A programme that will have the Ofsted Inspector nodding with approval and here's how it can help your school too!
Heaps of value all year round from your very own SUPERCOACH - Discover More
...provides schools with a flexible approach, tailored provision and a huge amount of impact – all delivered by a member of our highly skilled team in Progressive Sports - South Lancashire through your very own bespoke yearly plan.
The programme is without question a game changing approach on how to use coaches in primary schools for maximum impact.
Enter your name and email address to
enquire about your very own SUPERCOACH.
As your SUPERCOACH works through the agreed yearly plan, they’ll be building up a huge amount of evidence against the 5 Ofsted key indicators – all stored in the schools very own PE folder. The inspector will also give a big thumbs up to the yearly plan and the contribution it makes to raising standards across your school’s PE and sport provision.
Your SUPERCOACH’s job will be to deliver different activities to engage children in regular physical activity and support your teaching staff in building their confidence and PE knowledge. This frees up your PE coordinator to manage everything and ensure the right outcomes are achieved within the school’s Sports Premium budget.
Your SUPERCOACH gathers data on all the children in your school, from attendance Registers to general fitness. At the click of a button, we’ll be able to give you visibility on absolutely everything. Then we can together start to make informed decisions on how to move your PE provision forward.
Want to find out more about how having your own SUPERCOACH can make the difference? Just fill in the form at the top of the page or if you’d prefer to speak to someone give us a call today.